Tuesday, November 6

Round 2 of the School Resource Officer Debate

It appears that the battle over having a School Resource Officer at Katie's Middle School isn't over. Some of you may remember that last Spring I spoke at a School Committee meeting urging them to reconsider eliminating our Resource Officer position. They voted to get rid of her anyway. I thought that was pretty much the end of it because SO many of the committee members were adamantly opposed to funding the position any longer. Well, yesterday while I was working in the library at Becky's school a School Committee member who was working there as well, asked me if I'd be willing to speak again at a Education subcommittee meeting next week. She'd like me to be there to 'remind the committee who they represent'. It doesn't sound like I'll be making some formal 'speech' but rather just saying a few things and be done. This meeting is also much less formal than a full fledged school committee meeting so I'll be able to respond to comments the subcommittee members make - it also means they can ask me questions and put me on the spot, so to speak. I told this lady that I'd be glad to come to the meeting...WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I'm not GLAD to go to that meeting and SAY A FEW WORDS! I don't want to go!! Someone else would be WAY better at sharing their thoughts! I also think some of the subcommittee members may recognize me and want to throw rotten food at me!! I know they don't want to keep rehashing this issue! BUT, I do feel like this is an opportunity to be involved in the 'system' and hopefully improve things. Can't complain about things if we aren't willing to try and change them, right?
We are headed to our FINAL soccer tournament this weekend in Rhode Island. I hope and pray the weather will be nice! Nothing worse than watching soccer in the cold rain! The hotel we stay at is beautiful and we're close to Providence and an awesome mall there and great restaurants. Our team has not been very good this fall so we're not expecting any big wins or anything but Katie has played well and had a few great moments - that's what it's about for me anyway - seeing my girl do well and have fun in the process!
Rebecca has had quite the difficult adjustment to third grade. The work is much more difficult and the expectations are much greater. She still cries some mornings about having to go to school. But, I've seen her school work steadily improve along with her confidence and she makes a conscious effort to keep her chin up and dry her tears. She's always had separation issues, ever since she was small, poor thing. Report cards come out this week and I'm sure Becky will be surprised by how well she's doing. Based on her schoolwork I'm guessing A's and B's which is certainly nothing to complain about!!
Katie on the other hand is thriving at school. She's about to get her first straight A report card! She's worked very hard for it! She also tutors sixth grade students who need homework help. I never have to ask her to do her homework or check on projects she has for school. She's extremely responsible about her schoolwork! Now if she'd only CLEAN HER ROOM!!
Allison is happy and carefree. Her life is easy and fun, just as it should be when you're four! Next year will be FULL of BIG changes for my little miss. I'm not sure what the adjustment to school will like for her. She's doing fantastic at swimming lessons and is on her way to swimming without using a swim bubble (on her back) very soon! She's very brave about trying new things and enjoys the attention that comes from all of us when she succeeds at something.
Lucy is still the best dog on the planet. The other day we were at a pet store and asked if we could play with the black lab puppy they had there. She was SOOOOOOOOOO cute, endearing, soft, sweet, playful......The neat thing was seeing Ed love on this puppy. I've said it many times, the man is not a dog person. But Lucy has changed him. He appreciates the gem we have in our sweet girl and it's softened his attitude toward other dogs. We all had such a good time playing with that little black puppy, but it was nice to say goodbye knowing our fully house trained, out of the chewing phase, mellow old dog was waiting at home for us :)
It's raining here today and is much cooler than it has been. Can't complain though because we've had the most wonderful fall so far.
Election day - GO VOTE!