Tuesday, October 2

Homeschooling Top 10 List

I recently came across this top 10 list. I found it offensive. Let me say that I don't consider myself to be easily offended but this bothered me. It makes homeschoolers seem self righteous. I need to back up. I homeschooled Katie for five years and Becky for one - we were a home schooled family. I prayed and prayed for God to show me if I should continue to homeschool my children and if not then where should they go to school. The answer was clear - send them to public school. Every year since putting my girls into public school I pray that if God wants me to homeschool them that He would make that clear to me. So far, it seems that public school is the place for them. I don't know if they'll be in public school for the rest of the educating but for now that's where they are. So, back to homeschoolers seeming self righteous...I was a self righteous homeschooler at one point - I admit it. I would look at kids who went to public school and think how much better it was to homeschool and how public school kids were missing out on so much. Then the Lord began to change my heart. I started to see advantages to both ways of educating children. I stopped judging and started to pay attention to the positives about public school. Soon, it was clear that Katie would be going to fourth grade at Woodside School and Becky followed the next year to begin first grade. No form of education is without it's problems! I think I've talked about my troubles with school things enough for you to know that I see the problems! I also see the benefits - if I didn't then my girls wouldn't be there. I learned that what's right for one family isn't necessarily right for another and we shouldn't stereotype homeschoolers or public schoolers. Let's support the decisions we make as concerned parents knowing that we all really just want what's best for our kids.