Saturday, August 25


As interesting as crows are I think I am changing the topic of my non fiction article to something else. What? - you ask. I'm not saying, at least not until I make up my mind for sure. I do find myself still watching the crows around our house. I somehow find their squawking slightly more tolerable since I've been studying them a bit. Only slightly though.

It's a million degrees here today and amazingly humid! I LOVE it! It gives me hope that summer hasn't left just yet! I vacuumed the pool and got it all sparkly clean for us to enjoy this afternoon. The water temp was only 74 degrees when I checked it awhile ago but with the sun beating on it, it'll be up to 78 degrees easily in a couple of hours!

Katie is on her way up Mount Greylock - Massachusetts' tallest mountain - as we speak. Actually, she may be on her way down by now. She's hiking with her youth group from church. What a HOT day to be hiking! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Allison, Becky, and Ed are downstairs in the basement. We, (we means Ed and anyone who helps him. Not me and Ed, because I'm not really helping him except to plan things out) are finishing our basement. I think he is preparing to run the electrical wiring right now. Fortunately he has finished a basement before in our house on Aspen Lane in Bath, so he knows what he's doing - I think.

Can you believe Labor Day is next weekend? You know what that means, don't you? SOCCER TOURNAMENT! Three day weekend = soccer tournament - that's just the way it is! For Katie it means new coach, new season, new age division, new chance to prove herself. I know she's going to do great!