Saturday, January 27

Points to Ponder

* Why do commercials aimed at men include toys from our childhood? (I saw the red and blue boxing robots during a recent football game!)

* Why does the water in the toilet bowl go down during a very windy day? (Don't believe it's true? Pay attention next time it's really windy outside)

* How long does it take a goldfish to die when you flush him down the toilet? (Said goldfish was on his last fin!) How much of the journey does he experience before he's rendered unconscious? This is a weird one, I know.

* How come when it's snowing and the sun is shining at the same time there isn't a SNOWBOW anywhere?

* How do drivers ACCELERATE while their brakes are ON? (This one is especially mysterious to me!)

* Why are active duty military legally allowed to participate in an anti Iraq demonstration!? That's a kicker isn't it? Did they or did they not sign up to serve our country? It seems a little traitorous to me! Here's my disclaimer again...I don't hold strong politcal views or have any strong opinions about the Iraq war, I do however find it unfortunate that some active duty military would disrespect their 'commander in cheif' with a public demonstration of defiance.

* When my dog is done eating, why does she immediately head for the rug in the family room and proceed to rub her face all over it and roll on her back and rub some more? Maybe if I offered her a napkin...

* Why do children like to eat snow?

* Why do smokers smoke right outside of the entrance to stores? This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine! I especially wonder why employers let their employees smoke directly in front of the entrance! I am not likely to want to shop someplace where one minute this person is blowing smoke in my face and the next asking if I need any help with something in the store! And one more thing! any given time there are AT LEAST 10 Wal Mart employees at the picnic table outside the entrance smoking! DO THESE PEOPLE EVER WORK!? Do non smokers get as many breaks as smokers do??

* Why are pennies a different color than nickles, dimes, and quarters?

* Why do our fingernails look longer after a long bath or a swim in the pool? ( Have you ever noticed that? Rebecca pointed it out to me.)

* What's the difference between a snow thrower and a snow blower?

I think that's about all I can come up with for now. I'm sure I'll have more!

Allison had the creepy crud the other day. Poor baby started throwing up around 1:30 in the afternoon and was still throwing up at 10:00 p.m. Even the next day she was totally wiped out! Wouldn't eat, very lathargic, took a little nap even. If this creepy crud knocked Allie down this bad then the rest of us don't stand a chance if we get it! It seems to take A LOT to knock Allie out. She'll run around, literally, with a 104 fever! She seems much better today but still a bit whiny and sensitive.

Here's Allison playing with her leapster. She pretty much never got off the couch for 2 days!!

We watched Jump In on the Disney Channel. It was very good! It's about a double dutch team who enlists the help of a boxer. It has Corbin Bleu in it. I just love his hair! Check it out.