Tuesday, January 23


Picture this scene. It's 3:20 in the afternoon. Everyone is home from school. For a few moments it is relatively peaceful. Then...all of sudden my children all had need for my attention. Allison wanted to do Play-Doh, watch TV, needed help getting her Polly Pockets dressed, all at the same time mind you. Rebecca needed help with her piano lessons. Katie needed help with her math homework until her friend called and then we needed to discuss whether her friend could come over or not. AND...I was trying to get dinner started so that we weren't eating at 7:00 at night! I found myself going from one end of the house to the other and having 3 conversations at the same time!!! Talk about multi-tasking! SOMEHOW Rebecca's lesson got practiced, Allison's multiple needs were met, Katie was taken care of, and dinner got started!! When I realized how NUTTY it got so suddenly I got to laughing - OUT LOUD - by myself, the kitchen! My children probably thought I was losing it but the whole thing struck me so funny! If anyone had walked in on this scene they would've thought, for sure, that there was NO sense of order in our house EVER! Fortunately these crazy moments aren't the way it usually is. I'll admit that I did feel a small sense of accomplishment once everyone was taken care of! Isn't that what being a mom is all about anyway?

I've found myself addicted to American Idol! I think this is season 6 and it is the first time I've watched it! It's amazing to me how some people THINK they are talented singers and yet my DOG can sing better than they do!! At first I felt bad for those who were turned away and insulted, mercilessly by Simon and then I thought, "If they want to subject themselves to a televised audition in front of a panel of CRITICAL judges then they deserve what they get!!" Heartless, I know.

We went ice skating last weekend. SO FUN! I was surprised how much I enjoyed it! Becky was my skating partner. She'd never been skating before and, in theory, I was supposed to help her. I say 'in theory' because I'm no skater! Ed is the skater in the family! My girls were in awe of his ability!! As we would watch they'd say, "WOW, Dad is an AWESOME skater!!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know! Katie caught on really fast and managed to stay on her feet pretty much the whole time! Becky and I made it around the rink 3 times in a half hour!! But I think we were both improving by the time we were done. And Allison LOVED it! She's still talking about it! I can't wait to go again!

The snow I mentioned in my previous post never materialized. I'm finding that the weather people seem to have a difficult time FORECASTING! I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's because of the complex weather environment we live in.....whatever.

Today's a half day of school. Katie and Becky are having friends over. Should be a fun afternoon!