Tuesday, December 5

I Still Love My Dog

Do you know what THAT is?... It's the first sand/salt truck of the year driving up our road this morning. There was only a dusting but it was enough to make things slick. By the time I drove Rebecca to school the main roads were all clear but the driveways and parking lots were still covered. Allison was pretty excited! She wanted to get right out to play in it and proclaimed that it was "NOT FAIR" when I told her she had to go to school.

Remember this? Well, it was partly PUKED up last night at 1:30 A.M. onto my bedroom rug!!!! Not a nice way to be woken up! Lucy did sleep in her crate that night that she did the damage and she was fine for more than 24 hours so we thought we were in the clear. WRONG!! Ed slept through most of the cleanup - although I think he was faking it! Who could blame him. IT WAS GROSS! I still love my dog...I still love my dog... I still love my dog...