Sunday, May 28

A Busy Weekend

The Cooks have been on the go this weekend! Katie's soccer team competed in a tournament both yesterday and today. The first game was at 8:30 a.m. which meant out the door by 7:00 because it was about 45 minutes away and she needed to be there early. Ugh! The weather was absolutely beautiful, sunny, upper 70's!! The team won one, tied one, and lost two. They played their hearts out and made an excellent effort. My girl made a couple of great plays and Becky and Allison endured the long games and hot weather with smiles on their faces. It was also nice to go someplace we wouldn't otherwise have gone. We were in Huntington which is in the Pioneer Valley (?). Anyway, it's quite pretty all along the trip there.

After we got home from today's games we regrouped (quickly) and headed back out the door for our church picnic at our Pastor's house. I almost talked myself out of going but I knew we should go. Ed agreed, so off we went. It was nice. This is the first church event we've had the oppurtunity to attend so I was a little nervous about being there. No need. We felt welcome from the get go and Pastor even made a point of introducing us to everyone when we were getting ready for lunch. I made pasta salad and my friend Heather's Whoopie Pies! Yum! I've never made whoopie pies before so I was pleased that they turned out well. We had a good afternoon.

Tomorrow is stay home and do nothing (yeah right) day! Actually I have some pots to plant, Ed is staining the front porch, and the girls and I will probably wash the van and truck. After that we may go letterboxing. I will miss the Brunswick/Topsham Memorial Day Parade. I liked living in a Navy community and having that sense of patriotism and pride as sailors and soldiers both past and present would walk passed. Folks around here don't seem to have that same patriotic spirit. There aren't as many yellow ribbon magnets on the backs of cars, or flags hanging off the front porch. That disappoints me. Even the music the kids sang at the Memorial Day concert at their school was more Bob Dylan like as opposed to patriotic. They sang a couple, but when "Blowing in the Wind" was sung I wondered about the political stance of the music teacher and what the kids discussed relating to the musical choices. It makes me realize how important it is for us to pass onto our girls how we feel about Memorial Day or war or Iraq or whatever it may be. I want them to know that while I don't have strong political opinions I do have great pride in our country and great gratitude for the people who make the sacrifices they make so I can have the freedom I have.

Ed is installing ceiling fans at the moment. Move fasta Ed, we's got to put the kiddos to bed! I enjoy this time of day. Right now the birds are chirping away, the sun is setting soon, it's cooler and enjoyable to be out on the back deck. Everyone is tuckered out and I'm confident we'll have a quiet night. Maybe we'll even sleep in a little in the morning...maybe.

Today is my brother's birthday. He's 31!!! Happy Birthday to Robby. My brother is very knowledgable about birds and other wildlife too, but especially birds. I'd say, in my opinion, he's an expert. I think of him often when I see a bird I don't recognize or hear a pretty bird song. I hope he's having a great birthday.

Happy Memorial Day!