Tuesday, April 28

Tuesday Blah, Blah, Blah

I planted my garden this morning. Now we just wait and see if anything will grow. Not sure what I'll do with all them veggies if they do grow. Guess I'd better learn a few things about canning and freezing huh?

This afternoon I worked as the gym teacher. We played freeze tag. It was hot and LOUD. But it was also FUN. Some of the classes were the same ones I had yesterday when I was the librarian. I love that the kids know me and some of them seem happy enough to see me. Allison's class had gym today - that was really the best part for me. Being able to give and get hugs and kisses from my little miss is priceless. Tomorrow I'll be a regular classroom paraprofessional just for the morning. Then I'll head to Michael's to get supplies for Becky to do her Social Studies project. Projects stress me out. I'm not creative and Becky is still at the age where she thinks I'm able to help her come up with creative ideas. Poor thing. I don't want to let her down.

I'm starting to get bleary eyed - it's LATE. Time for bed I guess.

Final thought for the day - I'd really like to live in the country surrounded by trees, wild animals, and lots and lots of quiet...