Tuesday, March 25

Stuck in a Decade

How does a person get stuck in a decade? You've seen them. When that decade arrives do they feel some sort of oneness with it and therefore can't move forward? What did they do before their decade arrived? Were they able to move forward then? You know what I mean? Last night on the Food Network a waitress had BIG bangs, curled, with LOTS of hairspray. Her permed hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her jeans were tight, her glasses were big, and if I could've seen her feet she was probably wearing white reebok high tops - with her jeans rolled in that goofy way we all did! Her decade - 1980's. The problem - she had to be 40. How about the man at the bank - an older man - with brown polyester pants, a plaid shirt to match with button down pockets on the front, and big glasses. He may have the comb over hairdo and he looks like the guy from All in the Family. His decade - 1970's. The problem - he's in his 50's. So, what is it. Do these folks just hate shopping so much that they don't have more up to date clothes? Are they afraid of letting someone change their hair style? Someone should do a survey or something and find out why they're stuck. Interesting stuff I tell ya.

I scored big time bad mom of the year points yesterday. In the morning Becky complained of a stomach ache. Knowing Becky I thought it had something to do with going to school so I insisted she go. I told her to go to the nurse if she continued to feel bad. Off she went. I started to worry about her so I e-mailed her teacher to check on her and she said Beck was doing fine. Good. When I picked her up at the bus stop she didn't look fine. Her eyes were a little glassy, her cheeks a little flush, and her forehead warm. Yup, I sent my child to school sick. Not only did I send her - I MADE her go. How awful is that?! She's not running a fever this morning but I'm keeping her home anyway, maybe just to make up for sending her yesterday when she didn't feel good.

Happy Tuesday.