Tuesday, October 30


We were at an orthodontist appointment for Katie yesterday and as Allison and I were waiting for her to be done it was clear that Allison was uncomfortable. I asked her what was wrong and she whispered, "I have to go poop!" I told her we could go to the bathroom so she could go. "NO!" Okay, whatever, I told her she'd have to wait until we got home then. A little while and much squirming later she said she'd go to the bathroom to PEE! Fine. We get in there and I told her she'd get a belly ache if she didn't go. "I can't Mom!" "Why not?" "I don't want to STINK up the place!"
Sometimes it takes great amounts of self control for me not to BURST into laughter at some of the things she says! I didn't want to seem uncaring about her concern so I assured her that she would not 'stink up the place.' The things that kid comes up with!
I'm including a video of Allison singing a song from preschool which cracked me up the first dozen times she sang it. Just for clarification, the words are:
Hi. My name is Jean.
I have a dog and three kids, and a button factory.
One day, my boss came to me and said, "Jean, are you busy?"
I said, "No."
"Then work with your right hand."
Etc. Etc. Etc.
We went to the Fall Festival Sunday night at church. It was tons of fun! There was games, candy, contests, dinner, a puppet show, face painting, and more! I've told you before, we have a REALLY fun church! One of the young moms there had her hands full trying to take pictures for everyone and watching her toddler and newborn. I sacrificed greatly to offer and hold little Bella...She was in my arms a good part of the night, sleeping peacefully. What a treat for me!! Her mom was so grateful but I was pleased as punch to hold that little bundle!! Tomorrow night we are going to Trunk or Treat at church. Apparently folks decorate their trunks in all sort of fun ways and the kids trick or treat from trunk to trunk. There will be games and more fun! I'd never heard of such a thing before. I'll let you know how it goes. Check out this great story that is fun to go along with Halloween. Allison LOVED it!
I found some great new jeans at Old Navy. It seems that I am ALWAYS looking for the perfect pair of jeans. You know, not too low, not too high, not too long, not too short. I think the Classic Sweetheart jeans are a good fit for all of those categories and not too expensive!
I was at the grocery store yesterday and overheard this conversation at the checkout next to mine. The customer was an 80 something woman and her husband. They were purchasing two bottles of wine. The cashier was a 40 something DINGBAT!
Customer puts wine up to be rung in.
Cashier..."Do you have some ID?"
Customer chuckles.
Cashier..."It's our policy to ask for ID for all alcohol purchases."
Customer..."I don't think I need to show you my ID. Harry! (her husband) She's carding me!!"
I'm not sure how this ended but I did NOT see the customer hand over her ID. I think I heard more chuckling however! Can you imagine?
I have a Halloween joke for you: Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?
He had no body to dance with!!! LOL!