Monday, September 24

War of the Worlds

And the answer is....


See? It's the same forwards and backwards! Cool, huh?

Last night Ed and I watched War of the Worlds, the original one from 1956. It was on Turner Classic Movies. I'd never seen it before and I do like the whole science fiction thing. The special effects were so hokey and the acting was kind of funny but considering it was made in 1956 it was AWESOME! I loved it. One thing that stood out in different parts of the movie was the references to God. Several times it came up that God had created the world and that people needed to pray for His salvation from the martians. The pastor in the movie recited scripture as he approached the menacing martian spaceship and Silvia's faith in God defined who she was. The final scene in the movie where the spaceships start to collapse suddenly was particularly interesting from a Christian stand point. None of the characters had anything to do with the demise of the martians. The military was helpless against the red and green rays that spewed out of the evil red eye. All anyone could do was run and hide. Then seemingly for no reason the ships start to fall out of the sky. The narrator explains that the martians were overcome by the germs and viruses on earth. Their immune systems couldn't fight them off and so the martians died. The narrator further explains that it was a miracle from God himself who created these viruses and used them to kill the aliens. Hmmm... It reminded me that as a society we've completely left behind the One who has blessed our country so richly. It used to be the common thing to do - to include God in everyday life, movies, school - now it's the uncommon thing to do. Sad, but true.

Supposed to be in the 80's today! Lucy and I went for a long walk this morning and I finally used my little ipod shuffle. A long walk whizzes by when you're listening to some good music!

Good day!