Friday, September 21

A Little of This and A Little of That

No video today - sorry Mom & Dad. Just me. I have a fun idea for the video thing so stay tuned...

Allison has enjoyed telling people that my birthday was this week. She asked me how old I am now and I told her '34, again.' She totally buys it! And that's what she tells people, "My mom's birthday was...she's 34 again." I love it! I will be lying about my age from here on out. I refuse to check the box on any questionnaire that asks you to select your age group. Mine would now be 35-50. I will continue to check the 18-34 box for a while longer!! It's not because I'm vain or have some issue with getting older - it's because you're only as old as you feel and I feel 34 AGAIN!! Ed and the girls got me this gorgeous Vera Bradley handbag! I'm loving Vera Bradley patterns and there are so many styles and sizes to the different bags!! Check it out!

Time for some TV talk. I watched the premiere of Survivor China last night. Apparently the survivors were left with the clothes on their backs and nothing else. You'd think that these people would have some sort of clue about what to wear as they set out on their survivor adventure! Other survivor seasons have done the same thing and folks were left with nothing but the suit and tie or short dress and heels they wore for the first episode. DUMB! Unfortunately for those of us watching at home it means a long season of watching people walk around in their underwear! This season has a professional female wrestler. She's quite pretty except for the earrings in her lip and her massive bosom that keeps falling out of her bra which is clearly TOO SMALL!! I'm not sure I will continue to watch. I don't like when people aren't prepared or they aren't smart enough to build a suitable shelter or when they put a professing Christian and a gay Mormon on the same team just to see what happens! As far as I'm concerned, Survivor may have already seen its last good season.
Ed and I are also watching NBC's Biggest Loser. It's about very overweight people who need to lose weight. Apparently the results are INCREDIBLE! It's interesting to hear from the contestants what the weight loss battle has been like for them and what its been like to be so large. You can't watch it without feeling so compassionate for these people. Each team has a trainer who is more like a drill Sargent. The trainer leads their workouts and helps teach them healthy eating habits. A must see.
Dancing with the Stars is back on Monday! I'll be tuned in! Thank goodness for DVR - I record these shows and watch them whenever I want! It's awesome!

We've had the most beautiful weather this week! Sunny and high 60's into the low 70's. Yesterday got up to 77! And today is supposed to be even warmer! Indian summer? We'll see.

American Girl has introduced a new historical doll to its collection. There are several dolls representing different eras in American history like a pioneer girl from 1854 or a depression era doll from 1934. The new doll is from 1974! You read right, 1974. That's not American history - that's current events!!! I'm slightly insulted that the folks at American Girl think 1974 is an historic era! I mean it's after I was born!!! Does that make me an antique at 34 again!? Perhaps I'm feeling a little more sensitive about this since I just had a birthday and birthdays only remind us of how OLD we are - and then to have a doll come out representing an historic era which occurred AFTER I was born - it's all working together to make me feel ANTIQUE! Any way, the new doll's name is Julie, check her out.

Our little preschool/kindergarten soccer team is having fun. Notice I didn't say we are winning or doing well, just having fun. We've gotten beat, badly, both of our games so far. But, the kids are doing GREAT in their concept of the game and dribbling. Passing is not going to happen in this league. But our goalies are learning how to anticipate when to grab the ball and the basic rules of the game are starting to stick. Allison scored our only goal at Wednesday night's game so I was a proud mom! Overall I think it's going well. Our team is mostly preschoolers who've never played before so in light of that we are having a STELLAR season!

I think I will take Lucy for a walk and then vacuum before I pick up my little pickle from school. But first I'll post some pictures...
Me and my girls on my birthday.

Allison at swimming lessons jumping in!!

Allison on her first day of school.