Thursday, April 12


So. I've been a bit busy and uninspired to post anything. My last post indicated my upcoming chat with the school committee. I went to the last PTO meeting at our middle school and our resource officer was there to explain to folks what her role at the school is. She was great! There were definitely parents there who had no idea what she does for our school. Unfortunately, not very many parents were there to hear or sign our petition to show support of the position. However, those who were there seemed very pleased that I was planning to go before the school committee and formally request they give us back our resource officer! Some of them said they'd write letters or come to the meeting to show support. We'll see. Today I am submitting my request to be officially on the school committee's next meeting agenda. Being on the agenda means they have to address the issue. I am planning to speak at the meeting (YIKES). I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head about what I could say. It seems all jumbled and without a point. I'm writing lots of my thoughts down and am trying to organize them. It's hard. I think I'm making headway though, and by the meeting I should have a well thought out, organized 'speech' to present. I'm not nervous...yet. There are 15 school committee members and I'm guessing that at least 2/3 of them are against the resource officer position. Not very encouraging. We'll see. What have I gotten myself into?...

In other news...we are headed to Niagara Falls over April vacation! We're all very excited! We've never been before and are looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about! We'll be staying on the Canada side. In case inquiring minds want to know, a passport isn't needed if you drive into Canada, not until January 2008. If you fly into Canada you DO need a passport. We are planning to get passports for all of us but at least for this trip we'll be all set.

Rebecca turned EIGHT on Monday! Last Friday she had a birthday party with all the girls from her class at Michael's (the craft store). For $8 per child everyone made a doggie gumball machine, and got a goodie bag and a balloon. Rebecca got a special t-shirt and poster signed by her friends and the wonderful party attendant kept the girls busy with other crafty things while we waited for their parents to come! They did the set up and clean up! We basically showed up with the cake and ice cream - they did the rest! So worth $8 per child!!! Saturday we had a family party at home. My parents were here and so were Ed's. It was really nice to have both sets of grandparents here for Rebecca's birthday. And being Easter weekend made it even more fun! On Sunday we all went to church and then out to dinner. When we got home we did an Easter Egg hunt outside. It was FREEZING out! Nevertheless, we had fun!

Speaking of weather...this 'global warming' is getting hard to take! Seriously, it would be nice to BE WARM right about now! As I'm writing this we are getting all manner of winter weather; snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Not to mention the WIND! I've heard rumor that another winter storm is predicted for next week!!! Maybe the polar ice caps will melt but I'm thinking they'll re-form once they hit New England!!

Remember I mentioned my BLISS at having the porta potty gone from next door's building site? Well, the view from my living room has changed once again. Now, across the street, we have VERY LARGE piles of dirt, a humongous back hoe, and multiple dump trucks, cement truck, and worker people's trucks coming in and out of our street all day! I AM SO OVER LIVING IN A CONSTRUCTION ZONE!! Around here it seems to take over a year to complete a house. I know you think I'm kidding - I am totally serious. We've never seen anything quite like it. In Topsham our house was COMPLETE (site work to move in) in four months!!

If Chris Richardson had been voted of American Idol last night I'd never watch that show again!!! What is the matter with the voting public? Do people actually think Sanjaya is ALL THAT?!? It's like some sort of joke that he's still there. Haley needed to go, so I'm glad she's off.

I hear the laundry calling... Try to stay cool with all this 'global warming'!