Thursday, March 29

My 100th Post!

Such a milestone - 100 posts! It's about time!
I'm currently heading up a battle with our school committee to find money to keep our full time middle school resource officer. The position will be eliminated as of next school year. UNACCEPTABLE - I say! As I was praying the other morning I asked God to lead me to the people who I could support in this effort. The more phone calls I made, the more evident it became that I am the one who needs supporting! Interesting. Talk about being out of your league and over your head. I basically have no understanding of town politics or school committee budgets. I do, however, have a strong opinion as to the importance of the school resource officer position! I have found that ALL of the people I've spoken with (except the school committee chairwoman, who needs to be impartial I suppose) want the resource officer position at our school and they are very upset and concerned that our school committee wants it gone! So far the plan is to have the resource officer address our PTO to explain what she does and why her position is important. From there we are hoping to have a good sized group of parents and hopefully school faculty attend the next school committee meeting and say our piece. From there it would be up to the school committee to set up a special finance committee meeting to see if they can 'find' some money to pay for the position. That's how it was explained to me. We'll see. I hope I am not the group spokesperson at the meeting but if that's what happens, then that's what happens. I'm hoping that our resource officer and school principal will do the talking - if I can convince them to come to the meeting! The meeting is April 11th. YIKES!

American Idol is...I don't even know how to express my disbelief that Sanjaya is still there! GIVE ME A BREAK! I will say that I LOVED his hair the other night. Check it our here. I think it's called a 'faux hawk' instead of a mohawk - get it?!

I have not watched last night's LOST yet. I DVR'd it. Tonight after Survivor. 10 p.m. is just too late for me to be up watching LOST! I force myself to stay awake and then I'm tired the next day - I know, I'm such a baby.

Speaking of babies. My baby girl ( my 12 year old baby girl that is ) wore a pretty outfit to school today. I know you're asking 'what's the big deal?' I'll tell you what the big deal is! For the last long while Katie has only wanted to wear athletic pants and t-shirts or sweatshirts. In the summer it's athletic shorts and t-shirts. Now she's telling me she needs more jeans and she showed up at my bathroom door this morning looking adorable! My Katie is actually giving her appearance some attention. Don't get me wrong, she's always particular about her hair and stuff like that, but not clothes! I'm so happy!

Another huge reason to celebrate...The porta potty that we've had to look at next door for almost a year has FINALLY been taken away!!!! I can not tell you how happy this makes me! Silly, you say? Not so silly if you've had to see a PORTA POTTY out your window EVERYDAY!!!

Cold and windy here today. Spring will back tomorrow with 40's and sunshine. 50's by the weekend. No complaints.