Friday, January 19


I feel obligated to post something since it's been over a week since my last post, although I have no idea where this will go...

It snowed last night - big deal - a dusting. I was starting to get really bummed that we have NO snow. Let me clarify what I mean by NO snow. The ground is bare! Haven't seen more than a half inch all winter. Our pool is just now starting to be frozen. Katie hasn't worn her snow boots yet. That's what I mean. Anyway, instead of bumming over NO snow I've made a list of reasons I'm glad we haven't had any.
Hmmm....I really did try to think of something. Instead I kept thinking about the things I LOVE about snow...
1)Bundled up kids who can barely walk due to their bundles
2)Big snow men (or little snowmen) in the front yard
3)The way sound is muffled by the snow - everything seems more peaceful
4)All the brown, dirt, and grime are covered up by an unblemished layer of white
5)Snow angels
6)Seeing my kids play together in the snow
7)Playing with my kids in the snow
8)Hearing the neighborhood snowblowers
9)Little red faces that need to warm up
10)Hot chocolate
12)Snowball fights
13)Snow forts
14)Icicles from snow melting off the roof
15)Shovelling (I really do like to shovel, and since the snowblower ALWAYS kicks my butt shovelling is the best option for me. Of course when Ed is home he does the snow removal thing, unless I want to shovel, that is)
16)Trying to walk in thigh deep snow without losing a boot!
17)Watching the dog bury her face in the snow and come out with a bunch of it on her nose (we haven't seen Lucy's reaction to snow yet, but our dog Emily LOVED it)
18)Snow days from school
19)Driving in the snow at night with your high beams on. My dad would say we were going "Light speed" Try it, it really does look like it!!
20)It's fun to play in and pretty to look at

I probably could think of more but I'm bringing Allison to the museum this morning for Aquarium Storytime. We haven't been before, I hope she likes it. She is starting a music class next week. It's musikgarten. We went to an open house and tried it. We both really liked it!

Enjoy your snow if you have any!