Tuesday, July 11

I'm not sure if this sign is supposed to make us feel safe or terrified...

On the way out of the Berkshire mountains the grade is steadily downhill for several miles and a runaway truck ramp is sometimes necessary. Hmmm...I hope I never see a runaway truck!

Fourth of July weekend Ed worked on this patio. It's finished now and looks terrific. I'll post pics of that later. It was more time consuming to prepare the site than to actually lay the patio. Isn't he so clever?

We've had a house full of family since Saturday. It's been fun. Six kids and four adults. We've done six flags (thank goodness we bought season passes), a scenic train ride, a picnic at the waterfall, and some time at a playground, and of course swimming in the pool. We also have Vacation Bible School in the evening which was super fun last night and me and the kiddos are looking forward to going tonight. The music is really upbeat with lots of hand motions. Very fun.

These guys leave tomorrow and on Friday Ed's brother Keith and his family will be here for the weekend. I can't wait to see little Jocelyn again, I'm sure she's changed so much already. I think we're going to catch a baseball game while their here. And we'll definitely do some letterboxing.

Summer is zooming by; why doesn't winter zoom by as quickly? I'm looking forward to the hot humid weather in the forecast...THAT'S how I like my summers. And I like my winters snowy! And spring, I like...actually, spring is my least favorite season, although I do love the beautiful flowers blooming everywhere. And fall should be filled with brilliantly colored leaves, cool crisp days, and pumpkins and mums on the front porch.